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- Catégorie parente: Publications
ALONSO N., ROVIRA N. - Plant uses and storage in the 5th century bc Etruscan quarter of the city of Lattara, France. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 25, 2016, p. 323-337.
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- Catégorie parente: Publications
LULEY B., PIQUÈS G., - Communal Eating and Drinking in Early Roman Mediterranean Fance: Evidence of a possible Tavern from Lattara, ca. 125-75., Antiquity, 2016, p. 126-142.
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- Catégorie parente: Publications
BERNAL-CASASOLA D., GARDEISEN A., MORGENSTERN P., HORWITZ L., PIQUÈS G., THEODOROPOULOU T., WILKENS B., Ancient Whale exploitation in the Mediterranean: state of knowledge from the Archaeological Record. Antiquity, 2016, p. 914-927.
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Lire la suite Ancient whale exploitation in the Mediterranean: the archaeological record
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GAILLEDRAT É., BELFIORE V., BEYLIER A., CURÉ A.-M., - The Etruscans in Southern Gaul during the Fifth Century B.C.E : A Vessel of the “Spurinas” group Discovered at the Settlement of La Monédière in Bessan (Hérault, France), Etruscan Studies, 19-2, 2016, p. 256-282.
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SALEL T., BRUNETON H., LEFÈVRE D., - Ostracods and environmental variability in lagoons and deltas along the north-western Mediterranean coast (Gulf of Lions, France and Ebro delta, Spain), Revue de Micropaléontologie, 59, 2016, p. 425-444.
- A bottom-up view of food surplus : using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to investigate agricultural strategies and food webs at Bronze Age Archontiko and Thessaloniki Toumba, northern Greece
- Barcoding the largest animals on earth : on-going challenges and molecular solutions in the taxonomic identification of ancient cetaceans
- Raman spectroscopy analysis of terra sigillata : the yellow pigment of marbled sigillata
- Dimorphisme sexuel des os longs chez le chien : analyses statistiques des variables ostéométriques linéaires chez le Berger allemand